*Woof woof* and *lick lick* everyone! Welcome to my blog! My name is Benji and I am a Salt&Pepper Miniature Schnauzer. Wanna know more about me? Then visit my blog often okay? *Lick*

Thursday, 22 March 2007


Sob Sob... I have an announcement to make! Sob sob... As at tomorrow, I am no longer a MAN anymore but instead, I am gonna be a EUNUCH! Mommy is bringing me to the clinic to have my FAMILY JEWELS removed! Sob sob! Daddy is feeling so sad for me but no matter how hard he tried to save me from being operated, Mommy doesn't want and will not change her decision. Somehow, she seemed rather happy that I am gonna be neutered. Sob sob *** Worse, I am not to be given food from today 10pm onwards until the operation tomorrow. Mom, take all the jewels you want, but give me my FOOD!!! How can I not eat??? Pity me... No Jewels and No Food? Guess this is the worst day of my life!


Goofy said...

benji, u got to starve for few more hours after the "little cut" which wat goes to me when i got my jewels taken too...i got a sudden take down on weight so fast that mom couldn't believe..i sleep in my standing position after i came back from the clinic..:(..wishes u all the best..but tell u what, u'll go the same the next day..no pain no feel!!! muahahaha...fun goes again

Urban Smoothie Read said...

benji, don't b 2 devastated....hope u will recover soon...

Amber-Mae said...

Oh no! Your "jewels" going on the chop chop board. No ball ball lah! It's okay, you'll get used to it soon...Once after it's removed, you won't even noticed it's gone. But now that I'm telling you this, you'll notice that's gone after a nice good sleep. LOL! Have a good day!

Hugs & Kisses from us!